Mental Health Association of Maryland
2024 Legislative Bill Tracking
Saturday, October 5, 2024 7:55 PM

Bill (Crossfile)Bill Title & Upcoming HearingsSponsorStatusPositionTestimony
SB 93 (HB 110) Health Insurance - Utilization Review - Private Review Agents

Requires health insurance companies to use utilization review (UR) criteria for mental health disorders that are developed by a relevant nonprofit clinical professional society. Requires that, before issuing an adverse decision, a private review agent (PRA) must give the patient’s provider an opportunity to speak with the person(s) responsible for the adverse decision about the medical necessity of the treatment request, and the PRA must explain how the behavioral health standards required by the bill are being applied. Requires behavioral health UR decisions be consistent with the required criteria for chronic care treatment, not limited to acute care treatment.
In the Senate - Hearing 2/21 at 1:00 p.m. (2/2) SupportSB0093_MHAMD_FAV.pdf (2-15)
SB 124 (HB 400) Maryland Medical Assistance Program and Health Insurance - Annual Behavioral Health Wellness Visits - Coverage and Reimbursement

Requires that Medicaid and commercial insurance carriers cover and reimburse for annual behavioral health wellness visits, regardless of whether the assessment results in a diagnosis.
In the Senate - Hearing 2/13 at 1:00 p.m. (1/24) SupportSB0124_MHAMD_FAV.pdf (2-6)
SB 144 (HB 153) Medical Records - Fees - Attorneys Representing Patients

Adds a patient's attorney to the list of individuals who may not be charged for medical records needed to file for SSI/SSDI benefits.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 837 (5/16) SupportSB0144_MHAMD_FAV.pdf (1-30)
SB 165 (HB 204) Education - Coaches - Mental Health Training

Requires that public schools and universities train coaches to recognize indicators of mental illness and behavioral distress in students.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 734 (5/16) SupportSB0165_MHAMD_Fav.pdf (1-15)
SB 204 (HB 34) Interstate Social Work Licensure Compact

Enters Maryland into a compact with other states allowing regulated social workers to operate across state lines.
In the Senate - Hearing 2/13 at 1:00 p.m. (1/24) SupportSB0204_MHAMD_FAV.pdf (1-30)
SB 212 (HB 1048) Behavioral Health Advisory Council and Commission on Behavioral Health Care Treatment and Access - Alterations

Requires the Commission and the Council to meet jointly and submit joint annual reports. Requires that the Commission make recommendations regarding the financing structure and quality oversight necessary to integrate somatic and behavioral health services in Medicaid.
Chair, Finance Committee
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 42 (4/9) Support with AmendmentSB0212_MHAMD_FWA.pdf (1-24)
SB 359 (HB 425) Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Compact

Enters Maryland into the Advance Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) Compact, allowing APRNs certified in other Compact states to work in Maryland without obtaining a separate certification from the Maryland Board of Nurses.
In the Senate - Hearing 2/13 at 1:00 p.m. (1/24) SupportSB0359_MHAMD_FAV.pdf (2-2)
SB 371 Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Personal Care Aides - Wage Reports

Requires provider agencies employing personal care aides to deliver Medicaid home- and community-based services to report annually on wages paid to those personal care aides.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 864 (5/16) Monitor
SB 403 (HB 1134) Hospitals and Related Institutions - Residential Treatment Centers - Accreditation

Expands the list of agencies from which Maryland residential treatment centers (RTCs) may receive accreditation.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 854 (5/16) SupportSB0403_MHAMD_Fav.pdf (2-15)
SB 409 (HB 628) Health Occupations - Clinical Marriage and Family Therapists - Reciprocal Licensure Requirements

Simplifies the Maryland licensure process for clinical marriage and family therapists already licensed in another state.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 46 (4/9) SupportSB0409_MHAMD_FAV.pdf (2-6)
SB 412 (HB 408) Mental Health Law - County Mental Health Advisory Committees - Membership

Requires that each local mental health advisory committee include among its membership an individual serving in the military or an individual with experience with mental health care for veterans.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 906 (5/16) SupportSB0412_MHAMD_FAV.pdf (2-7)
SB 419 (HB 377) Therapeutic Child Care Grant Program - Funding - Alterations

Extends grant program that supports childcare for children under the age of six who have developmental delays, physical disabilities, or delays in social, emotional or behavioral functioning.
In the Senate - Second Reading Passed with Amendments (3/27) SupportSB0419_MHAMD_Fav.pdf (2-6)
SB 427 (HB 1096) Public Health - Overdose and Infectious Disease Prevention Services Program

Provides for the establishment of six overdose prevention sites throughout Maryland.
In the Senate - Hearing 2/20 at 1:00 p.m. (1/31) SupportSB0427_MHAMD_FAV.pdf (2-15)
SB 453 (HB 576) Mental Health - Assisted Outpatient Treatment Programs

Requires that each county establish an assisted outpatient treatment (AOT) program whereby individuals may be court-ordered into outpatient mental health treatment.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 704 (5/16) Letter of Information
SB 492 (HB 522) Public Schools - Student Telehealth Appointments - State Guidelines, Policies, and Access

Requires each local board of education to establish a policy to accommodate students who need to participate in telehealth appointments scheduled during the school day.
In the House - Rereferred to Ways and Means (4/5) SupportSB0492_MHAMD_Fav.pdf (3-8)
SB 497 (HB 736) Health Insurance and Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Coverage - Opioid Reversal Drugs and Products

Caps copayments for opioid overdose reversal drugs and products at $10.
In the Senate - Withdrawn by Sponsor (3/4) Support
SB 554 Criminal Procedure - Not Criminally Responsible Verdict - Term of Commitment

Establishes mandatory minimum commitments to a state psychiatric facility after a verdict of ‘not criminally responsible’ for certain criminal charges.
In the Senate - Hearing 2/09 at 12:00 p.m. (2/6) OpposeSB0554_MHAMD_UNFAV.pdf (2-8)
SB 615 General Provisions - Commemorative Days - Maryland Veterans Suicide Prevention Day

Requires the Governor to annually proclaim July 11 as Maryland Veterans Suicide Awareness Day.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 805 (5/16) SupportSB0615_MHAMD_FAV.pdf (3-8)
SB 684 (HB 1074) Health Insurance - Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Benefits - Sunset Repeal and Modification of Reporting Requirements

Strengthens health insurer parity compliance reporting standards and enhances the Maryland Insurance Administration’s parity enforcement authority.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 233 (4/25) SupportSB0684_MHAMD_FAV.pdf (2-19)
SB 732 Department of Juvenile Services and Maryland Department of Health - Inpatient Program for Children

Requires DJS and MDH to establish an inpatient program for children adjudicated delinquent to provide individualized rehabilitation, skill-building, counseling, mental health and substance use care, etc.
In the Senate - Hearing 2/28 at 1:00 p.m. (2/1) Monitor
SB 744 (HB 814) Juvenile Law - Reform

Expands DJS jurisdiction related to youth aged 10-13; expands the list of offenses for which youth may be detained without a hearing; increases allowable probation periods for certain offenses; expands the membership and modifies the charges of the Commission on Juvenile Justice Reform; etc
In the House - Hearing 3/26 at 1:00 p.m. (3/20) OpposeSB0744_MHAMD_Unfav.pdf (2-9)
SB 751 (HB 980) Public Health - Opioid Restitution Advisory Council and Fund - Revisions

Requires that in each fiscal year, at least 25% of the Opioid Restitution Fund shall be used to support community-based recovery organizations
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 851 (5/16) Monitor
SB 759 (HB 698) Estates and Trusts - Guardianship of the Person of a Disabled Person - Expedited Proceedings

Expedites the guardianship process for disabled individuals if the purpose is to discharge the individual from a hospital.
In the Senate - Hearing 2/20 at 1:00 p.m. (2/1) OpposeSB0759_MHAMD_Unfav.pdf (2-23)
SB 791 (HB 932) Health Insurance - Utilization Review - Revisions

Omnibus legislation altering and establishing requirements and prohibitions related to health insurance utilization review.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 848 (5/16) SupportSB0791_MHAMD_FAV.pdf (2-18)
SB 797 (HB 903) Education - Access to Attorneys, Advocates, and Consultants for Special Education Program and Fund - Established

Establishes a program to provide legal, advocacy, and consultant services to low-income households attempting to access special education services for their child.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 170 (4/25) SupportSB0797_MHAMD_Fav.pdf (2-23)
SB 801 (HB 1031) Correctional Services - Medication-Assisted Treatment

Repeals the requirement that each local correctional facility make available at least one FDA-approved medication for the treatment (MAT) of opioid use disorders, and requires the Department of Health to reimburse counties for implementing MAT programs with money from the Opioid Restitution Fund.
In the Senate - Hearing 2/21 at 1:00 p.m. (Budget and Taxation) (2/6) Monitor
SB 863 (HB 723) Office of the Attorney General - Rights of Residents of Health Care Facilities - Injunctive Relief and Penalties

Establishes a bill of rights for residents of assisted living facilities and allows the attorney general to seek injunctive relief and civil penalties for a violation of those rights.
In the Senate - Hearing 3/01 at 1:00 p.m. (2/17) SupportSB0863_MHAMD_Fav.pdf (3-8)
SB 876 (HB 1040) Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Limited Behavioral Health Services

Requires Maryland Medicaid to make a limited number of behavioral health services available to individuals under 18 years old regardless of whether the individual has a behavioral health diagnosis.
A. Washington
In the Senate - Hearing 3/12 at 1:00 p.m. (2/6) SupportSB0876_MHAMD_Fav.pdf (3-13)
SB 888 Health - Local Behavioral Health Authorities and Oversight of Behavioral Health Programs

Authorizes LBHAs to hire their own inspectors to monitor behavioral health program quality and safety, track complaints against behavioral health programs, and forward those complaints to the applicable regulatory board.
In the Senate - Hearing 3/12 at 1:00 p.m. (2/6) Monitor
SB 905 (HB 1267) Public Safety - Extreme Risk Protective Orders - Review of Court Records

Authorizes researchers affiliated with institutions of higher education who are conducting academic or policy research to review court records related to extreme risk protective orders.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 929 (5/16) SupportSB0905_MHAMD_FAV.pdf (2-24)
SB 974 (HB 933) Behavioral Health Crisis Response Services - 9-8-8 Trust Fund Fees

Establishes a nominal telecom fee to support and sustain Maryland's 988 suicide and crisis prevention lifeline.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 781 (5/16) SupportSB0974_MHAMD_Fav.pdf (3-8)
SB 988 Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Self-Directed Mental Health Services - Pilot Program

Establishes a pilot program that would provide 100 adults whose needs have not been met by the public behavioral health system with a range of services and supports that are person-centered and self-directed.
In the Senate - Hearing 3/08 at 1:00 p.m. (2/6) SupportSB0988_MHAMD_FAV.pdf (3-8)
SB 990 (HB 1423) Maryland Medical Assistance Program and Health Insurance - Step Therapy, Fail-First Protocols, and Prior Authorization - Prescription Drugs to Treat Serious Mental Illness

Prohibits commercial health insurers and Maryland Medicaid from applying step therapy, fail-first protocols, or prior authorization to prescription drugs used to treat serious mental illness.
In the Senate - Hearing 3/06 at 1:00 p.m. (2/6) Monitor
SB 991 Behavioral Health - Language Assistance Services Pilot Program

Establishes a pilot program to assist in providing meaningful access to behavioral health services to children with limited English proficiency.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 867 (5/16) SupportSB0991_MHAMD_Fav.pdf (3-8)
SB 1009 (HB 548) Task Force on Responsible Use of Natural Psychedelic Substances

Establishes a task force to study and make recommendations related to the use of natural psychedelic substances.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 793 (5/16) SupportSB1009_MHAMD_FAV.pdf (3-13)
SB 1071 (HB 1155) Hospitals - Opioid Overdose and Opioid-Related Emergency Medical Conditions - Treatment

Requires that hospitals establish and maintain the capacity to provide medication-assisted treatment (MAT) to individuals with opioid-use disorder.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 886 (5/16) Monitor
SB 1080 (HB 983) State Personnel - Maryland Department of Health - Pay Rates

Ties pay rates for employees at RICA Baltimore and RICA Rockville to pay rates for employees at Clifton T. Perkins Hospital.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 630 (5/9) SupportSB1080_MHAMD_Fav.pdf (3-8)
SB 1104 (HB 1148) Health Care Facilities - Notice to Consumers - Out-of-Network Status (Health Care Provider Out-of-Network Information Act)

Requires that out-of-network health care facilities notify consumers that receiving care at the facility will likely result in higher out-of-pocket costs, provide a written estimate of the costs, and obtain signed consent from the consumer before providing health care.
In the Senate - Withdrawn by Sponsor (3/11) Support
SB 1110 (HB 1100) Health - Child Advocacy Centers - Reporting Requirements and Investigations

Requires child advocacy centers (CAC) to report annually on the scope of behavioral health services being provided in those facilities and the policies in place for ensuring continuity of care.
In the Senate - First Reading Senate Rules (2/4) Monitor
HB 34 (SB 204) Interstate Social Work Licensure Compact

Enters Maryland into a compact with other states allowing regulated social workers to operate across state lines.
In the Senate - First Reading Finance (2/26) SupportHB0034_MHAMD_FAV.pdf (1-30)
HB 65 Public Schools - Medical and Psychological Treatment in School-Based Health Centers and Public Schools - Parental Notice

Requires school-based behavioral health providers to provide parents/guardians with information about any consultation, diagnosis, or treatment provided to a student.
In the House - Hearing 3/13 at 1:00 p.m. (Health and Government Operations) (2/12) OpposeHB0065_MHAMD_Unfav.pdf (3-13)
HB 74 Public Schools - Lifesaver Schools Program - Establishment

Establishes a program to recognize public schools that provide health and safety training to students and staff, including mental health wellness programs.
In the House - Hearing 1/17 at 1:00 p.m. (1/5) SupportHB0074_MHAMD_Fav.pdf (1-15)
HB 110 (SB 93) Health Insurance - Utilization Review - Private Review Agents

Requires health insurance companies to use utilization review (UR) criteria for mental health disorders that are developed by a relevant nonprofit clinical professional society. Requires that, before issuing an adverse decision, a private review agent (PRA) must give the patient’s provider an opportunity to speak with the person(s) responsible for the adverse decision about the medical necessity of the treatment request, and the PRA must explain how the behavioral health standards required by the bill are being applied. Requires behavioral health UR decisions be consistent with the required criteria for chronic care treatment, not limited to acute care treatment.
In the House - Withdrawn by Sponsor (2/5) Support
HB 153 (SB 144) Medical Records - Fees - Attorneys Representing Patients

Adds a patient's attorney to the list of individuals who may not be charged for medical records needed to file for SSI/SSDI benefits.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 838 (5/16) SupportHB0153_MHAMD_FAV.pdf (1-30)
HB 189 Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Personal Care Aides - Wage Reports

Requires provider agencies employing personal care aides to deliver Medicaid home- and community-based services to report annually on wages paid to those personal care aides.
R. Lewis
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 865 (5/16) Monitor
HB 204 (SB 165) Education - Coaches - Mental Health Training

Requires that public schools and universities train coaches to recognize indicators of mental illness and behavioral distress in students.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 733 (5/16) SupportHB0204_MHAMD_Fav.pdf (1-24)
HB 377 (SB 419) Therapeutic Child Care Grant Program - Funding - Alterations

Extends grant program that supports childcare for children under the age of six who have developmental delays, physical disabilities, or delays in social, emotional or behavioral functioning.
In the House - Hearing 1/31 at 1:00 p.m. (Ways and Means) (1/17) SupportHB0377_MHAMD_Fav.pdf (2-6)
HB 400 (SB 124) Maryland Medical Assistance Program and Health Insurance - Annual Behavioral Health Wellness Visits - Coverage and Reimbursement

Requires that Medicaid and commercial insurance carriers cover and reimburse for annual behavioral health wellness visits, regardless of whether the assessment results in a diagnosis.
In the House - Hearing 2/08 at 1:00 p.m. (1/26) SupportHB0400_MHAMD_FAV.pdf (2-6)
HB 408 (SB 412) Mental Health Law - County Mental Health Advisory Committees - Membership

Requires that each local mental health advisory committee include among its membership an individual serving in the military or an individual with experience with mental health care for veterans.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 907 (5/16) SupportHB0408_MHAMD_FAV.pdf (2-7)
HB 425 (SB 359) Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Compact

Enters Maryland into the Advance Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) Compact, allowing APRNs certified in other Compact states to work in Maryland without obtaining a separate certification from the Maryland Board of Nurses.
In the Senate - First Reading Finance (2/26) SupportHB0425_MHAMD_FAV.pdf (2-2)
HB 522 (SB 492) Public Schools - Student Telehealth Appointments - State Guidelines, Policies, and Access

Requires each local board of education to establish a policy to accommodate students who need to participate in telehealth appointments scheduled during the school day.
D. Jones
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 195 (4/25) SupportHB0522_MHAMD_Fav.pdf (2-6)
HB 548 (SB 1009) Task Force on Responsible Use of Natural Psychedelic Substances

Establishes a task force to study and make recommendations related to the use of natural psychedelic substances.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 792 (5/16) Support with AmendmentHB0548_MHAMD_FWA.pdf (2-16)
HB 576 (SB 453) Mental Health - Assisted Outpatient Treatment Programs

Requires that each county establish an assisted outpatient treatment (AOT) program whereby individuals may be court-ordered into outpatient mental health treatment.
The Speaker
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 703 (5/16) Support as Amended
HB 628 (SB 409) Health Occupations - Clinical Marriage and Family Therapists - Reciprocal Licensure Requirements

Simplifies the Maryland licensure process for clinical marriage and family therapists already licensed in another state.
S. Johnson
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 45 (4/9) SupportHB0628_MHAMD_FAV.pdf (2-6)
HB 698 (SB 759) Estates and Trusts - Guardianship of the Person of a Disabled Person - Expedited Proceedings

Expedites the guardianship process for disabled individuals if the purpose is to discharge the individual from a hospital.
In the House - Withdrawn by Sponsor (3/12) OpposeHB0698_MHAMD_Unfav.pdf (2-15)
HB 706 Drug Paraphernalia for Administration - Decriminalization

Decriminalizes possession of drug paraphernalia.
In the House - Hearing 2/13 at 1:00 p.m. (1/30) SupportHB0706_MHAMD_FAV.pdf (2-6)
HB 723 (SB 863) Office of the Attorney General - Rights of Residents of Health Care Facilities - Injunctive Relief

Establishes a bill of rights for residents of assisted living facilities and allows the attorney general to seek injunctive relief and civil penalties for a violation of those rights.
The Speaker
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 141 (4/25) SupportHB0723_MHAMD_Fav.pdf (2-23)
HB 736 (SB 497) Health Insurance and Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Coverage - Opioid Reversal Drugs and Products (NARCAN Price Cap Act)

Caps copayments for opioid overdose reversal drugs and products at $10.
In the House - Withdrawn by Sponsor (2/26) SupportHB0736_MHAMD_Fav.pdf (2-15)
HB 804 Certificate of Need - Psychiatric Health Care Facilities and Psychiatric and Mental Health Services - Exemption

Provides that a certificate of need is not required to establish or operate a psychiatric health care facility or to offer mental health services at a health care facility
In the House - Hearing 2/28 at 1:00 p.m. (2/9) Monitor
HB 814 (SB 744) Juvenile Law - Reform

Expands DJS jurisdiction related to youth aged 10-13; expands the list of offenses for which youth may be detained without a hearing; increases allowable probation periods for certain offenses; expands the membership and modifies the charges of the Commission on Juvenile Justice Reform; etc
The Speaker
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 735 (5/16) OpposeHB0814_MHAMD_Unfav.pdf (2-6)
HB 829 Public Health - Service Sector Employees - Mental Health Awareness and Skills Building Training

Subject to limitations in the state budget, requires MDH to provide virtual mental health first aid training to public sector employees across the state.
In the Senate - Hearing 3/21 at 1:00 p.m. (3/18) SupportHB0829_MHAMD_Fav.pdf (3-8)
HB 903 (SB 797) Education - Access to Attorneys, Advocates, and Consultants for Special Education Program and Fund - Established

Establishes a program to provide legal, advocacy, and consultant services to low-income households attempting to access special education services for their child.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 171 (4/25) SupportHB0903_MHAMD_Fav.pdf (2-23)
HB 932 (SB 791) Health Insurance - Utilization Review - Revisions

Omnibus legislation altering and establishing requirements and prohibitions related to health insurance utilization review.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 847 (5/16) SupportHB0932_MHAMD_FAV.pdf (2-18)
HB 933 (SB 974) Behavioral Health Crisis Response Services - 9-8-8 Trust Fund Fees

Establishes a nominal telecom fee to support and sustain Maryland's 988 suicide and crisis prevention lifeline.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 780 (5/16) SupportHB0933_MHAMD_Fav.pdf (3-8)
HB 980 (SB 751) Public Health - Opioid Restitution Advisory Council and Fund - Revisions

Requires that in each fiscal year, at least 25% of the Opioid Restitution Fund shall be used to support community-based recovery organizations
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 852 (5/16) Monitor
HB 983 (SB 1080) State Personnel - Maryland Department of Health - Pay Rates

Ties pay rates for employees at RICA Baltimore and RICA Rockville to pay rates for employees at Clifton T. Perkins Hospital.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 631 (5/9) SupportHB0983_MHAMD_Fav.pdf (3-8)
HB 1019 Mental Health Law - Petitions for Emergency Evaluation

Provides that a petition for an emergency psychiatric evaluation shall remain in effect for 5 days, may be extended by a court for an additional 5 days, and that police officers may use reasonable and necessary force when executing a petition.
In the Senate - Hearing 3/27 at 1:00 p.m. (Finance) (3/19) Monitor
HB 1031 (SB 801) Correctional Services - Medication-Assisted Treatment

Repeals the requirement that each local correctional facility make available at least one FDA-approved medication for the treatment (MAT) of opioid use disorders, and requires the Department of Health to reimburse counties for implementing MAT programs with money from the Opioid Restitution Fund.
J. Lewis
In the House - Hearing 3/07 at 1:00 p.m. (Judiciary) (2/13) Monitor
HB 1040 (SB 876) Maryland Medical Assistance Program - Limited Behavioral Health Services

Requires Maryland Medicaid to make a limited number of behavioral health services available to individuals under 18 years old regardless of whether the individual has a behavioral health diagnosis.
In the House - Hearing 3/06 at 1:00 p.m. (2/9) SupportHB1040_MHAMD_Fav.pdf (3-8)
HB 1048 (SB 212) Behavioral Health Advisory Council and Commission on Behavioral Health Care Treatment and Access - Alterations

Requires the Commission and the Council to meet jointly and submit joint annual reports. Requires that the Commission make recommendations regarding the financing structure and quality oversight necessary to integrate somatic and behavioral health services in Medicaid.
Chair, Health and Government Operations Committee
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 41 (4/9) Support with AmendmentHB1048_MHAMD_FWA.pdf (3-8)
HB 1074 (SB 684) Health Insurance - Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Benefits - Sunset Repeal and Modification of Reporting Requirements

Strengthens health insurer parity compliance reporting standards and enhances the Maryland Insurance Administration’s parity enforcement authority.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 234 (4/25) SupportHB1074_MHAMD_FAV.pdf (2-19)
HB 1085 Maryland Insurance Administration - Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Reporting Requirements - Revisions and Sunset Repeal

Strengthens health insurer parity compliance reporting standards and enhances the Maryland Insurance Administration’s parity enforcement authority.
In the House - Hearing 2/22 at 1:00 p.m. (2/9) SupportHB1085_MHAMD_FAV.pdf (2-19)
HB 1096 (SB 427) Public Health - Overdose and Infectious Disease Prevention Services Program

Provides for the establishment of six overdose prevention sites throughout Maryland.
In the House - Hearing 3/01 at 2:00 p.m. (2/14) SupportHB1096_MHAMD_FAV.pdf (2-23)
HB 1100 (SB 1110) Health - Child Advocacy Centers - Reporting Requirements and Investigations

Requires child advocacy centers (CAC) to report annually on the scope of behavioral health services being provided in those facilities and the policies in place for ensuring continuity of care.
In the House - Hearing 3/13 at 1:00 p.m. (Health and Government Operations) (2/12) Monitor
HB 1134 (SB 403) Hospitals and Related Institutions - Residential Treatment Centers - Accreditation

Expands the list of agencies from which Maryland residential treatment centers (RTCs) may receive accreditation.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 853 (5/16) SupportHB1134_MHAMD_Fav.pdf (3-8)
HB 1148 (SB 1104) Health Care Facilities - Notice to Consumers - Out-of-Network Status (Health Care Provider Out-of-Network Information Act)

Requires that out-of-network health care facilities notify consumers that receiving care at the facility will likely result in higher out-of-pocket costs, provide a written estimate of the costs, and obtain signed consent from the consumer before providing health care.
The Speaker
In the House - Withdrawn by Sponsor (3/11) Support
HB 1155 (SB 1071) Hospitals - Opioid Overdose and Opioid-Related Emergency Medical Conditions - Treatment

Requires that hospitals establish and maintain the capacity to provide medication-assisted treatment (MAT) to individuals with opioid-use disorder.
Approved by the Governor - Chapter 885 (5/16) Monitor
HB 1267 (SB 905) Public Safety - Extreme Risk Protective Orders - Review of Court Records

Authorizes researchers affiliated with institutions of higher education who are conducting academic or policy research to review court records related to extreme risk protective orders.
R. Lewis
In the Senate - First Reading Judicial Proceedings (3/18) SupportHB1267_MHAMD_FAV.pdf (2-24)
HB 1346 Competency Evaluations and Commitment Orders - Modification

Allows competency evaluations to occur within correctional or detention facilities and extends from 10 to 30 days the length of time the health department has to admit a defendant who has been deemed incompetent to stand trial and a danger to self or others.
In the House - Withdrawn by Sponsor (3/12) Oppose
HB 1372 Health and Taxation - Digital Social Media Services and the Mental Health Care Fund for Children and Youth

Establishes a fund to improve access to mental health care for younger Marylanders funded by a tax on individuals deriving over $1 million annually from digital social media services.
In the House - Hearing 3/07 at 1:00 p.m. (2/13) Monitor
HB 1394 Education - Provision of 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline and Safe Schools Maryland Telephone Numbers

Requires each county board of education to provide students in grades six through twelve with the telephone numbers of the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline and the Safe Schools Maryland anonymous tip line by printing the telephone numbers prominently in the school handbook and on a student's school identification card, if provided.
In the House - Withdrawn by Sponsor (3/11) Support
HB 1423 (SB 990) Maryland Medical Assistance Program and Health Insurance - Step Therapy, Fail-First Protocols, and Prior Authorization - Prescription Drugs to Treat Serious Mental Illness

Prohibits commercial health insurers and Maryland Medicaid from applying step therapy, fail-first protocols, or prior authorization to prescription drugs used to treat serious mental illness.
S. Johnson
In the House - Withdrawn by Sponsor (3/4) Monitor